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Exam student in the house?

Help is on its way!

Every year I post advice and support for families going through exam stress season but this year I have something new: I’m flagging up a video which I’ll put out (on my Substack) on Mar 4th, aimed directly at parents and carers - all you people living in an exam house this year. Have a listen to the video above for what to expect on Mar 4th.

It will be FREE!

In the video, I mention other resources I’ve created over the years. I will put the main ones below but give you ALL of them (plus a sparkly new one) beneath the video on Mar 4th.

Today’s resources:

  • The book: Exam Attack. A calming and empowering book which makes everything clear, manageable and accessible for busy students. Everything from mindset and stress management to revision methods, how the brain learns, the importance of sleep (and how to get it) and nutrition, and how to create a revision timetable. (And see my book giveaway below!)

  • A 6-minute video for teenagers, with ten top tips: here on YouTube.

  • A video in which I’m interviewed by Imogen, a 16yo exam student: Imogen and Nicola talking about exams

  • A revision time-table template (with instructions) for those who need it: the student can either use the instructions to make one in this post or download the template included in that post.

  • A one page handout of exam tips for young people. (I will have a brand new handout especially for parents on Mar 4th.)

A giveaway - hooray!

(Edited to add: this has now closed and we have three happy winners, Liz, Cathy and Joanna, whom I’ve contacted. I completely failed to promote the giveaway properly and life made me forget it was happening, so it was, erm, a modest turnout! But they are worthy winners and very welcome to their free signed copies.)

[Details of giveaway deleted]


Another date: on April 30th I’m doing a full-length webinar called Understanding and Supporting Your Teenagers. This is not only about exams but EVERYTHING about fathoming those amazing teenage brains, minds, emotions and behaviours. Understanding deeply, brilliantly and mind-openingly. You won’t want to miss this! It’s not free but it’s ridiculously good value. This is my most popular topic and one I often deliver to parents and staff in schools but rarely as a public event. I have so much to say and this full-length webinar gives me the time to do it and to take your questions.

You’ll be able to book your place after Mar 4th. There’ll be an earlybird discount price and, just to warn you, there are only 100 places in total so please don’t leave it too late! Last time, a couple of years ago, it sold out.

Any questions, ask me. I’m here for you and your teenagers.

As I always say: together, we CAN do this. You just need my calm, confident voice of reason, experience and understanding!


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Nicola Morgan's Brain
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Nicola Morgan