Supporting Your Exam Students - NEW VIDEO and ALL the resources
Understand how adolescence affects exams (and vice versa) so you can help brilliantly
As promised, here I am, with a new and FREE video that focuses on the most useful things to understand about teenage brains and lives when it comes to supporting through exams. It is for parents/carers and teachers/professionals. (Teenagers are welcome to listen, too…)
Note: this free video is me talking directly and deeply to you and is not professionally edited. I cut a bit out of the middle because I decided it was too long. (Spot the rough transition!) If you want more of my voice, much more detail, and a LIVE session with detailed planning, bells and whistles, do sign up to my full-length webinar, Understanding and Supporting Your Teenagers, on April 30. Details (and a discount code for you) below.
I suggest that you now:
Play the free video: Listen, enjoy, learn, think/discuss and then act.
Check out the extra resources below. Some are new and some I’ve shared before.
To buy Exam Attack, the book, direct from (which helps independent bookshops as well as me - thank you!) click here.
All the resources for you
First, the webinar, because that’s time-limited:
If you like the kind of insights I share and want to know more, do book a place on my Understanding and Supporting Your Teenagers webinar on the evening of April 30. Booking is now live - and see below for a special discount code till Mar 11.
I have given talks on this subject many, many times. I know my stuff and deliver it in a warm, confident, fluent voice that is easy to listen to. You’ll enjoy it as well as learning so much! And I know it will sell fast because it’s my most popular topic. (Schools regularly book me to give this talk to parents.)
What you’ll get from the webinar:
Depth and breadth of knowledge - however expert you are, I guarantee you won’t know it all. I’ll speak for around an hour (probably a bit more as I have a LOT to say!) with a combination of excellently-designed slides and live to-camera. Then you can ask questions via the Q&A feature. You’ll be muted and off camera so there’s no compulsory interaction if you just want to listen! The total time will be around 1.5 hours but I’m happy to carry on a bit longer if we have lots of questions. (You can leave when you’re ready, though.)
Insights into peer pressure, teenage anxiety, decision-making, risk-taking, self-consciousness, brain bandwidth, resilience. You’ll understand your young people even better than you now do and you’ll develop even more respect. You can ask questions about all those things, as well as sleep, screens and anything else you think I might know about.
A mass of handouts, some for you and some for your teens. I’ll include resources on sleep, anxiety, screens and social media, resilience and many aspects of wellbeing.
A copy of the Powerpoint presentation which will include many slides which will have been “hidden” during the talk, so that you can a) refresh your memory b) understand more and c) keep it forever. All I ask is that you respect copyright and don’t share outside your household.
For a 20% discount for you, my lovely Substack readers, use the code SUB20 at checkout. This code expires Mar 11. If you miss that, the earlybird price lasts until Mar 30.
ALERT: the checkout process makes it annoyingly easy to miss the opportunity to add the code so keep your eyes open! It can’t be applied afterwards.
You can also buy a personally signed copy of Exam Attack when you book.
Details and booking here.
Now, all the exam resources
There’s a link to The Big Folder at the end but I want to highlight some individual bits first:
***Here is a new handout which I want to highlight especially as it directly reflects and supports today’s video:
Here is a link to a video I made a while ago for teenagers: short and snappy but covering the best tips.
And here is another one, in which I’m interviewed by 16year-old Imogen.
Here are ideas for nutritious food - exam breakfasts, revision snacks and nourishing meals:
Here are my own two recipes for delicious, nutritious brain-fuelling snacks: brain bars and brain cake:
This is a short audio teaching a breathing/relaxation technique. Everyone needs this! Practise before it’s needed, so that you’re ready to use it quickly:
Here is something I wrote for Happy Self about exam stress:
Here is a revision time-table template with instructions:
Here is a neat inspiration pledge (there’s a longer poster for schools in the folder on my website):
The Big Folder - This link will take you to the Exam Attack page of my website; scroll down to Resources for you and see “The Big Folder”. This is all for you and includes materials on anxiety. I put it there simply because Substack doesn’t let me attach a large zipped folder. Don’t forget to come back here! (Warning: my website is so big you might never leave…)
You can buy Exam Attack through the link on the Exam Attack page, or for a signed copy you can buy when you book a place on the webinar. Also available in “all good bookshops” and usual online places.
I think that’s enough for today! Are you exhausted? I am. Time for a brain bar…
Don’t forget the webinar
Before you get to grips with all the advice about exams and make your super-plan for the Easter holidays, do one more thing: book a place on the Understanding and Supporting Your Teenagers webinar on April 30. Then you don’t have to think about that any more!
(Don’t forget your 20% code - SUB20 - which makes it absurdly good value. Could be the most sensible money you ever spent? Hurry - expires after Mar 11.)
FINALLY, feel free to ask questions below
Good luck, everyone, and may it all go very well for you.